Henry's has now become Liquorland. Please visit www.liquorland.co.nz/

Henry's covid response

Response to traffic-light system

Henry's response to covid traffic-light system and restrictions

Stores in red and orange traffic light regions will be following the current government guidelines for retail premises. This means:

  • You must scan in to the store with the Contact Tracing app, or sign in using the forms provided
  • You must wear a mask while shopping with us
  • Staff and customers must maintain at least 1m social distancing at all times, capacity limits may apply in-store
  • Our staff will maintain a vigorous cleaning regime to ensure everyone’s safety. Please be sure to sanitise your hands, and do not come to the store if you are unwell.

Online shopping is also available with options for contactless delivery and pickup to ensure the safety of all our customers and staff. To find your nearest store click here.

Stay safe and be kind!